A roadmap for the SEE region for the next decade – challenges and opportunities
Janez Kopac, Director, Energy Community Secretariat
What next for market coupling in the SEE region - lessons learned from the MRC implementation and a roadmap for the future
Ulla Sandborgh, Senior Vice-President, Svenska Kraftnät
Regional cooperation in SEE: challenges and opportunities ahead for market integration
Damian Gjiknuri, Minister of Energy and Industry, Albania
Fostering market integration in SEE – delivering benefits of regional cooperation to market participants
Milos Mladenovic, CEO SEEPEX
Realizing the benefits of the IEM in SEE – the traders’ perspective
Plamen Popov, Head of Trading South East Europe, Statkraft, Germany
Extending the IEM and the Energy Union benefits beyond EU borders
Barbara Dekleva Jenčič, Assistant Director, ELES
Round table discussion and Q&A moderated by Leonardo Meeus, Professor, Florence School of Regulation:
Damjan Medimorec (HOPS, Convenor RG SEE, ENTSO-E), Ulla Sandborgh (Svenska Kraftnat), Milos Mladenovic (CEO, SEEPEX), Damian Gjiknuri (Minister), Barbara Dekleva Jenčič (Assistant Director, ELES), Silvio Brkic (Director, CROPEX, tbc), Janez Kopac (Director, EnC), Plamen Popov (Statkraft), Konstantin Konstantinov (CEO, IBEX)